Crisis management planning is essential to protect your company image. If you don’t prepare, your response in a crisis will break down.
We compile crisis manuals to help formulate a response when an incident happens. There are procedures which can be easily followed in an emergency and that outline a plan to follow when all is chaos.
Our team members have advised on many crisis issues and are speakers and moderators at crisis seminars and hospitality conferences worldwide. We advise companies on crisis behaviour and rebuilding company reputation and image after a crisis.
We also run business breakfasts and power clinics, which provide practical insight into the media and equip participants with the basic knowledge and skills required to manage communication responses in a crisis.
Knowledge is power; the more you know about the media the more you will be in control of an event.
- Potential risks anticipated – in some cases you may know a crisis is looming as you’re creating it, i.e. shut downs, redundancies, acquisitions.
- Understanding what constitutes a crisis, how to catch a negative trend
- Identifying your crisis communications teams
- Roles and reporting procedures
- The best way to reach stakeholders
- Flow charts
- Media response
- Holding and statement templates
- Monitoring systems
- Essential contact details
- Post crisis awareness